Currently a Masters Student at McGill University.
I am addicted to the satisfying feeling from solving problems and always look forward to learning new technologies.
Every day, I push myself to improve as a computer scientist and as a person.
Silan He
May 2021 - Now
May 2020 - Aug 2020
Step Functions
Step Functions
Vancouver, Canada, Earth | 2019 - May 2020
News Aggregation Personal Project
Google News like news aggregation web app built with React that aims to serve news from various sources on the political spectrum while informing of possible biases.
Built automated scrapy pipeline to scrape news articles and cluster them by topic using NLP directly into Django.
May 2018 - August 2018
.NET and C++ developer at TRU, aeroplane simulation company
Adapted legacy simulator interface program to be language configurable at run-time using C and .NET Framework, enabling the application to be translated into any language using an Excel file.
Wrote a Python script that enforces proper design needed for maintaining the language configuration feature of the interface program in my absence.
Updated a legacy file storage system to a humanly legible and usable format in C++, allowing clients to easily modify files outside of our proprietary app.
May 2017 - August 2017
Full Stack developer internship at MindGeek, leaders in highly trafficked websites
Built and deployed internal software used every day built on AngularJs and Spring, leading to easier work flow for other departments.
Successfully built and deployed website checkup application that runs daily written in Java via Jenkins, enabling MindGeek to monitor the status of all affiliated websites.
April 2016 - August 2016
Internship at a startup called Guiker that is an online platform for renting apartments.
Built and deployed Java and iOS cross-platform messaging application using Xamarin in less than 8 weeks, enabling users to instant message each other.
Setup and deployed MySQL and Ruby on Rails RESTful API for the mobile application, setting up the basic backend required for the messaging application.
February 2018
McGill University, Montreal, Canada, Earth
December 2017
February 2017
January 2017
October 2016
September 2016
September 2016
February 2016
McGill University, Montreal, Canada, Earth
Sept 2019 - June 2020
Sept 2016 - May 2019
McGill University is an English-language public research university in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, ranked among the world's top 30 institutions. With some 300 buildings, 40,000 students, 250,000 living alumni, and a reputation for excellence that reaches around the globe, McGill has carved out a spot among the world's greatest universities.
Downtown Montreal, Canada, Earth |
Sept 2014 - May 2016
Recognized as one of Quebec’s top pre-university colleges, Marianopolis College boasts a diverse student body comprised of 2,000 students from over 175 public and private high schools, English and French, from Quebec and abroad.
Basketball TeamWestmount, Canada, Earth |
Sept 2009 - May 2014
One of the top private French highschool in the Greater Montreal area.
Le collège Beaubois se veut un établissement francophone de premier plan pour former des jeunes aptes à entreprendre les études supérieures les plus exigeantes et devenir des citoyens conscients de leurs responsabilités et soucieux du bien commun.
Badminton Team Basketball TeamPierrefonds, Montreal, Canada, Earth |
a web app that analyses the various conversations you have and presents the stats in an interesting and aesthetic way. This is inspired by the reddit user analyser.
React JavaScript BootStrap Cisco Sparks APIFINRA sponsored challenge winner project analysing more than 10 Gb of data using machine learning within 36 hours.
Python Bash Angular Typescript Scikit LearnShopping mall simulation implementing silvers scheduling algorithm.
C# UnityCrowd based nlu public transit stats and trend app
JavaScript Node.js JQuery Nuance mix React MongoDB BootStrapsocial site for people who miss buses to wallow in sadness together
JavaScript Node.js JQuery React MongoDB BootStrapMy personal one pager website.
JavaScript JQuery BootStrapSchedule/Social app for the busy. Functions include: making your own schedule, comparing with other users, adding friends, hitting other people up to chill on common breaks.
Xamarin MongoDB Node.js"Everything is relative." - Grade 10 English teacher
Feel free to contact me
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